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CEIST Middle Leadership Programme

We are delighted to once again offer the CEIST Middle Leadership Programme to our schools and to confirm that once again the Programme garnered such great interest that we were oversubscribed within hours of opening registration. In an effort to accommodate as many participants as possible we have now increased capacity in each course and scheduled an additional two cohorts. All participants will achieve accreditation before the end of the current school year.
Due to the ongoing restrictions the programme will be conducted online over five sessions. The first cohort will complete the programme as follows:-
- Wednesday 13th January – Welcome, Introduction and Overview (5.00pm – 5.45 via Zoom pm) This session will provide an overview of course content and details of the programme.
- Wednesday 20th January – Background & Legal Context (5.00pm – 7.45pm)
- Wednesday 27th January – Leading a Faith School in the 21st Century (5.00pm – 7.45pm)
- Wednesday 3rd February – Path to Leadership – From NQT to SMT (5.00pm – 7.45pm)
- Wednesday 10th February – Sharing the Lead, Sharing the Load (5.00pm – 7.45pm)