Friday 20th October 2017

Ms Josephine Donohue (Principal) Brian O’Boyle 2014, Conor Beirne 2016, Jack O’Connor 2015 and Derek Shaw 2017.
This year Mercy Secondary School Ballymahon made it four in a row when the news came through that Derek Shaw was awarded the prestigious Naughton Scholarship 2017. Past students, Brian O’ Boyle 2014 winner has completed his degree in Mechanical Engineering and is now studying for his Masters in Financial Engineering at U.C.D. Jack O Connor 2015 winner is studying Science in U.C.D. and is specialising in Mathematics. Jack plans to go to Berkley in California after Christmas on an Erasmus program. He had an Internship at SIG “Susquehanna International Group, LLP” during last summer and enjoyed working on the stock markets. The 2016 winner Conor Beirne is studying Engineering in U.C.D. and has an interest in Wind Energy. The 2017 recipient Derek Shaw is studying Engineering in U.C.D. and has an interest in Robotics. The four students received their scholarships for 2017/2018 at the Annual Awards ceremony in Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute on Saturday 23rd of September.
The Naughton Awards is a scheme established in 2008 by Martin Naughton, founder of Glen Dimplex to promote the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics by students at third level. The awards are assigned on the basis of achieving excellent results in the Leaving Certificate exam in the STEM subjects and completing an application process.